Week 1: The Design Process


                                                                                                                              Design process skills

The design process (technological process)

Definition: The design process is about identifying problems, designing possible solutions, making the products, evaluating the product and communicating your findings.
It is through the design process that technology creates and develops products and solves technological problems.


What is technology?

To some of us it represent things such as: electronic gadgets, computers, cars, cell phones and sound systems. To others it is about how things work.

 Definition: Technology is all about using what is known to solve problems and make life easier and more exciting.

    It is a way of thinking.

    It is about designing something and then making what has been designed.

    In doing so, the knowledge and ideas of the product are tested in practical ways, and improved until the best solution is found

    The products of technological thought are the foundation of wealth creation and generation.

The design process (technological process)

Definition: The design process is about identifying problems, designing possible solutions, making the products, evaluating the product and communicating your findings.
         It is through the design process that technology creates and develops products and solves technological problems.

Needs and wants

❖    For a technological process to happen, there must be a need or a want for its development. It may be a basic need for living, like housing, clothing, food or transport.

❖    There may be a need to solve a problem that you are experiencing, like making a picture frame out of cardboard. Your need is therefore identified as a problem to be solved. This forms your design brief.

❖    The design brief is a clear description of the problem to be solved, together with the constraints and specifications that limit how you make it. This process is about identifying problems, designing possible solutions, making the product, evaluating the product and communicating your findings by recording your work in a project portfolio.

Basics steps of the design process

1.Investigate: find, use and acknowledge information for the design   process.

2. Design: Write and draw design brief with specifications and constraints. This will include initial idea sketches. Then choose the best design and select materials for it.

3. Make: draw plans of the design process, develop the manufacturing sequence, which is the order in which you will make your item or model. You may next make the item or model.

4. Evaluate: You need to evaluate both your design stage and your final product.

5. Communicate: You need to present your solutions. To do this, compile all notes and drawings of the design process into a project report in your exercise books.